
We are the only company that has supplied an Ultra Light Rail solution in the UK as part of the franchised railway network.

The Stourbridge Shuttle has been operating since 2009, carrying 5 million passengers with over 99% reliability levels – the highest operating track record in the country.

PMOL Operating Statistics at Stourbridge

It’s estimated that the Stourbridge Shuttle has delivered a £3m saving to the public purse.

The Directors of ULRPartners include representatives from Premetro Operations, Parry People Movers, Birmingham City University, and a team who have been involved in light rail since the 1990s with expert knowledge of health & safety, production and operation.



We want all our customers to enjoy the best light rail journey possible. Reliability, comfort and achieving the highest health and safety standards are our top goals.

We combine tried-and-tested methods with the latest technologies.

Our railcars are much lighter than traditional rolling stock. Much lighter to design, build operate and maintain with less wear and track on tracks.

Our railcars can be used on existing rail tracks.

Cost savings are delivered through use of automotive technologies and coachwork.

New track solutions are being developed to deliver on-street solutions.


Partners involved in delivering next generations solutions

Local firms and Universities are joining forces to accelerate development :

  • Parry People Movers/Ultra Light Rail Partners
  • Pre Metro Operations
  • Glendenning Plastics
  • Clayton Equipment
  • Trailways of Bloxwich
  • University of Birmingham
  • Birmingham City University
    (Institute for Design & Economic Acceleration)